Discover The Path to Overcome Your Health Challenges
Are You A Woman Struggling to Overcome The Symptoms Of Low Thyroid or Hashimoto’s?
Do you feel like you’re swimming upstream?
Are you tired of not being heard?
Are you sick of the one-drug-after-another approach?
Are you tired of getting worse over time and not better?
Are you sick of not being able to participate in life?
Are you concerned about future complications?
Estimates and research suggest that it can take up to 20 years for new science and treatments to reach your doctor’s office. Do you have that much time? Why wait when cutting edge treatments and research is at your fingertips?
Over the past 15 years, I have seen 9 different other Dr.’s. I did all their lab work, followed their advice. It wasn’t until I met Dr. Heather, followed and did Comprehensive Testing & followed her Customized Program that i started to feel better! FINALLY! I am feeling better than I have in DECADES! I know my body will keep healing and the best is yet to come.
I am 30 pounds lighter, no longer needing to take thyroid medications, or any prescription meds for that matter. My blood sugar is finally balanced, and my inflammation has lessened dramatically. My clothes FIT NOW!! Thank you Dr. Heather for listening to me and figuring out exactly what my body needs to heal.
The IHCR Health Solution works for:
Low Thyroid
Autoimmune Conditions
If you are a woman who suffers from low thyroid or Hashimoto’s, you need the IHCR Health Solution.
“It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver.”
Mahatma Gandhi
I have been with Dr. Heather for 2 years now, I have been so frustrated with doctors not wanting to run the needed tests to find my root causes. My results since working with her are increased energy, trimming down my waist & thighs, lowered my cholesterol naturally, and improved a lot of other health related issues. I truly feel 10 (maybe 20) years younger.
I became a Patient at IHCR after dealing with undiagnosed Low Thyroid & Hashimotos for over 15 years resulting in a thyroidectomy. The solid guidance, comprehensive testing targeting the real cause of my health issues has made a world of difference. I am so glad I invested in myself to learn how to heal the root problems in my body.
The IHCR Health Solution
These are the elements of The IHCR Health Solution that are behind our patient’s success

Uncover the Hidden Causes
Discover what is really causing your disease/symptoms

Get a Comprehensive Diagnosis
Getting beyond the label-of-disease

Receive Customized Care
Experience the power of being treated like an individual

Achieve Real Results
Create a new reality where You actually get better”

Access a cutting edge healthcare team
Experience the new standard in healthcare
Discover how The IHCR Health Solution has helped patients just like you overcome the odds & achieve REAL RESULTS
What makes The IHCR Health Solution so Different?…
The IHCR Health Solution is so different because it shows patients what’s really causing their health problems and provides each person with a customized plan. The solution provides a step-by-step plan of action that is based upon the most up to date science, research, and cutting edge clinical applications. Thousands of patients have defied the odds and recovered their health using The IHCR Health Solution. How do you access our healthcare team? The first step is to attend the next Free Workshop.
Free Virtual Workshop
The Workshops are Free! It’s our way of reaching out and giving back to our community. However, it will still cost you time and energy. But think about this…
How much is not having a real solution to your health problems costing you? How much is it costing your family? What will it end up costing if you don’t take another path?
Working in a high stress job for years really took its toll on my health. I found Dr. Heather and did testing with her, my lab results SHOCKED ME! I had so many things going on including low thyroid, I thought I was healthy… Since working with her to heal my root causes my health has returned and life is enjoyable and stress levels are at their lowest. The best I could have given myself.